Issue 58 Summer 1989

Flux-Hunting: The Uncertain in Pursuit of the incomprehensible? The Big Dipper: The Legacy of Arte Povera The Picturesque Ruins of the Situationist International Reflections: Video Sculpture Past and Present Glanz und Elend: Die Multi-media Kunst von Marie-Lo Lafontaine Dance Away the Frontiers: New Dance Work by Four European Women Nancy Reilly: Professional high Lindsay John: [...]

By |2017-03-20T10:47:17+00:00June 1st, 1989|Comments Off on Issue 58 Summer 1989

Issue 50/51 Nov-Jan 1988

Performance Magazine: a reprise in pictures The City and its Double An A-Z of Order and Change: a poetics of the city The Logic of the Visible: J G Ballard inerviewed Moving Forward and Backward in Time: Cage and Cunningham reconsidered When That Hammer Starts to Beat: The sounds of steelcity Ex-Cathedra: Richard Demarco on [...]

By |2017-04-05T20:16:00+01:00November 1st, 1988|Comments Off on Issue 50/51 Nov-Jan 1988

Issue 53 April/May 1988

From Rag-Bag to Riches: Brighton Festival '88 Tina Keane: a profile Taking a Line for a Walk: Marina Abromovic/Ulay interviewed From the Private Wars of Howie Long: recovered from GQ Magazine Speaking Without Ruses: John Roberts on male sexuality The Invisible Man: Notes on male sexuality by Kate Love Under God: Scenes from the End [...]

By |2017-03-20T10:44:37+00:00April 1st, 1988|Comments Off on Issue 53 April/May 1988

Issue 55 January 1988

EDGE 88, An Introduction The Tyranny of the Avant-Garde The Reflective Edge: A Female Concept of Self- Representation Three Points in a Circle: Three Decades of Experiment in the US and Canada A Matter of Content Artists Notes

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Issue 44/45 Nov-Feb 1987

Doff This Bonnet!: Lumiere and Son reply to last issue's criticism Technological Witch Doctors: Interview with Mark Pauline of Survival Research Laboratories The Camera Is The Only Audience Artists on the Front Line: Philip Wood of Hidden Grin in Nicaragua The Currency Of Art: Profile of JSG Boggs, Money Artist Perfo 4D, or The Artist [...]

By |2017-04-20T11:50:09+01:00November 1st, 1987|Comments Off on Issue 44/45 Nov-Feb 1987

Issue 49 Sept/Oct 1987

Bracknell 87 Hamlet Machine: The unique and improbable co-operation of Ribert WIlson and Heiner Muller When the Tunnel is Built: a journey across Europe The Quintessential European Event: a report on Documenta 87 Behind the Aktion: Elizabeth Jappe interviewed Myths, Monsters and Mutations: the view from Berlin Integrating the Beast: art and politics in Europe [...]

By |2017-03-20T10:42:56+00:00September 1st, 1987|Comments Off on Issue 49 Sept/Oct 1987

Issue 46 Mar/April 1987

The Sleep: New visual theatre collaboration Atalanta: Robert Ashley opera Beuy's Line to Bond Street: The Dealer's Eye: Anthony D'Offay Interview At Great Speed: Richard Demarco Interview The Singing Critic: Looking Back at State of the Art Art in the City: Conrad Atkinson on the Metro Tate North: Prestige space for performance Problems of Pluralism: [...]

By |2017-03-20T10:41:04+00:00March 1st, 1987|Comments Off on Issue 46 Mar/April 1987

Issue 43 Sept/Oct 1986

Close to the Horns: Ross Finn-Kelcey, a profile Artists in the Theatre: a historical outline Entranced by Butterflies: Lumiere and Son - an opinion Furniturisaton: A Suitable Case for Treatment Carnival Logic: An Analytical View Speculation on Memory: Stuart Brisley in Glasgow Imaginez: The Fridbourg 'Belluard Bollwerk' Suspended Animation: The Venice Biennale North V South: [...]

By |2017-04-20T12:17:06+01:00September 1st, 1986|Comments Off on Issue 43 Sept/Oct 1986

Issue 37 Oct/Nov 1985

Survey: what performance artists in Britain really think - full details Interview: Bruce McLean slugs it out with Chrissie Iles This is for you Anna: a contemporary tale of revenge Thinking Objects: one artist's fascination with Laurel and Hardy Documentation: The Housewatch project Opinion: showdown for performance critics Sound/Vision Up a Cul de Sac: contemporary [...]

By |2017-04-05T19:52:49+01:00October 1st, 1985|Comments Off on Issue 37 Oct/Nov 1985

Issue 35 June/July 1985

A Night in Hell: Els Commediants on pagans and pyrotechnics La Gaia Scienza: John Ashford strips away the metaphors Emerging From the Cultural Revolution: are the Fourth Peking Opera From the Enclosure: Zoo Man Alberto Vidal speaks Spark Fly: as Bow Gamelan open the festival Apocalypse Now: from Poland's Theare Nowy Dirty Work: From the [...]

By |2017-03-20T10:36:12+00:00June 1st, 1985|Comments Off on Issue 35 June/July 1985
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